Comic for 30 August 2024

10 September 2024:

We have a fun new feature to share with you. If you’re familiar with Titan Garden, our little nonlinear short story scifi project, you’ll be pleased to learn we now have a Vinyl Figure Blindbox Collectibles page!

Just click on our funny robot dog and he’ll hork up a random figure, and our site will remember your growing collection on whatever device you’re reading from. Every character on the site has a vinyl figure, and many of them have extra-rare chase variants for you to find- 169 figures in total as of this writing, with new ones added each week! If you pull a random character you like, you can click the link below to read a little short story about them and their background, and come back to them any time through your collection page.

Good luck!

1 August 2024:

Hey! For the past four years I’ve been working with Kitsune Games on a videogame, Kitsune Tails. Today’s the big day, it just released: I did art, animation and gameplay design on this title. If you like what’s here, leave us a quick review on Steam, it’s actually a big help to us. Thanks, and I hope you have fun with it!

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